
Articles for category "technical"
anonymous person

Condor Staff

November 28, 2020
Instrument Cluster

Condor Instrument Clusters Ready To Be Installed

The Condor Array Telescope "instrument clusters" that attach the TEC 180 mm telescopes to the PlaneWave L-600 mount have been completed and are ready to be installed. The instrument clusters, which were designed and fabricated by Optec, hold four telescopes on the inside of the mount and two telescopes on the outside of the mount and allow the relative orientations of the telescopes to be easily adjusted. The installation and …

anonymous person

Condor Staff

June 7, 2020

Raspberry Pi 4 Computers

The Raspberry Pi 4 (RPi4) is a powerful and inexpensive computer. We plan to use an array of eight RPi4s to control the six individual telescopes that make up the prototype element of the Condor Array Telescope and to handle scheduling and sequencing, preliminary data processing, data storage, and data archiving.

To test the configuration, we purchased four RPi4s each with 4 GB of memory back in March of this …

anonymous person

Condor Staff

May 7, 2020
Raspberry Pi Rack-Mount Enclosure

Raspberry Pi Rack-Mount Enclosure

We plan to control the Condor Array Telescope at its home in the El Sauce Observatory of the Rio Hurtado Valley of Chile using an array of eight Raspberry Pi 4 (RPi4) computers. Each RPi4 contains two USB 3 and two USB 2 interfaces, making the computers ideal for controlling the cameras, motorized filter wheels, motorized focusers, and motorized dust covers associated with the six telescopes that comprise Condor. (Each …

National Science Foundation

The Condor Array Telescope gratefully acknowledges funding from the National Science Foundation.

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